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Korean: my language learning

What is this? Does your language intuition and cultural expectations meet in the path of understanding?  Without context, it can be a little challenging.  Imagine this all around you. It was this alien experience, like living in some alternate reality, where I had my first experience with language workout.  Korean.Read More »Korean: my language learning

Is CALL outdated?

Through both my own interest and the influence of my MA course, I’ve been sending out prompts for dialogue on Twitter, on Facebook and in my office regarding the integration of technology in our classes in terms of the familiar (and purportedly outdated) abbreviation CALL (Computer-assisted language learning), which has been met with a polarised set of opinions. Feel free to chime in.Read More »Is CALL outdated?

Google for scheduling

I need to hold office hours as part of my work week.  I meet with students individually to discuss scholarly concerns, elaborate on assignment details and answer language questions they may not have had time to ask. Without any obvious tool on Blackboard to do so, I’ve looked for alternatives: posting a sign-up sheet outside our office every week, using Google spreadsheet and trying out a new feature called “Appointments” on Google calendar. One has stood out most successfully.

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