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These posts are primarily about experiences as an ELT director who leads a group of instructors.

A love letter to teacher associations

I’ve rewritten a love letter of sorts to TESL Toronto (a teacher association committee I’m leaving after 6 years) three times from three different angles and voices. There’s much I want to say to different groups involved, but no one focus conveys my intentions vividly enough. I think it’s because no matter what words I use or perspective I take, it doesn’t capture that magnitude of its impact. It’s been a love/hate relationship with the stakeholders of TESL Toronto, mostly love for my colleagues, the membership itself, and the work I’ve been involved in. The effect of being its president and chairing TOSCON for 3 years that it has had cannot be understated–roles, or the likes of which, I’d highly recommend any teacher eventually seek in some capacity during their careers.Read More »A love letter to teacher associations

ELT cover letters & CVs

I’ve been vetting a concentrated amount of teaching applicants lately. Cover letters and CVs emailed to me never cease to amaze–some are truly awful. I flip flop between sympathy and fury. I desperately want to reply with suggestions and other times I want to ask if they are delusional. Neither is appropriate. Instead, based on the types of teaching positions I’ve posted ads for and the types of applications I’ve received, maybe a couple tips below will help someone seeking an ELT job (or give you reason to commiserate).

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Google for scheduling

I need to hold office hours as part of my work week.  I meet with students individually to discuss scholarly concerns, elaborate on assignment details and answer language questions they may not have had time to ask. Without any obvious tool on Blackboard to do so, I’ve looked for alternatives: posting a sign-up sheet outside our office every week, using Google spreadsheet and trying out a new feature called “Appointments” on Google calendar. One has stood out most successfully.

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