I call on everyone to join with me in the #tesl365 project!
There are a number of people I know participating in #The365Project, which is a photo-documentary of each day of your life for the entire year. The premise is that you upload a photo you take that day to your blog, Flickr, or sites designed specifically for the project, like Shuttercal and say a little something about what that photo means or represents about you that day. Some educators are involving their students in the project; others are relating it their teaching; and some are just using it as a personal journal.
This lead me to an idea. I’ve noticed that the feeling of community in our industry varies largely from region to region, some with teachers who greatly support each other, some with administrators who foster a culture of professional growth, but others who feel very isolated in their passion or don’t know where to go to get support from educators who love their work. I’ve always wanted to help grow our community, and what better way than to collaborate?
I call on everyone to join with me in the #tesl365 project!

My challenge for all educators, administrators and students out there is to answer these questions:
1) What teacher inspires and challenges you to be a better teacher yourself?
2) What principals, directors or other administrators greatly contribute to a culture of learning around you?
3) What students inspire you to keep going, to get up early and work late, thanks to their efforts to learn?
To participate in this challenge, I encourage you to do the following:
* take photos of the people that inspire you
* Go to tesl365 project Shuttercal, login with username: tesl365 and password: inspire, find an available date, follow instructions!
* use your blogs as a forum for expressing your inspiration
* use the #tesl365 tag on your blog and on Twitter so we can all be inspired too
*pass this challenge on to your colleagues and your classes, who don’t have blogs, so they can share with everyone too!
Let’s all work together to make make 2011 the year of the TESL/TEFL/ELT/ESOL/EFL/ESL community!
If you’d like to use a tesl365 logo, please feel free to distribute either of these:
#tesl365 responses so far:
Cecilia Coelho – Box of Chocolates – My TEFL365 Start – things and people that inspire me
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by barbarabujtas. barbarabujtas said: RT @seburnt: My tesl365 project – give props all year https://bit.ly/hwtAfL #tesl365 #the365project […]
Hello Tyson,
Great post and very inspiring! I’ll start my tesl365 project today using the shuttercal and linking it to my blog. =]
Hi Eduardo,
That’s awesome! I can’t wait to see it. I’d like to put the photo and descrip on the #tesl365 shuttercal, so if you let me, I’ll copy the photo and descrip from your blog or send the stuff to me, I’ll add it this week!
Thanks for participating and please encourage all your colleagues to join in. 🙂 Have a great day!
[…] an earlier post, Tyson Seburn (@seburnt) called us for a challenge to identify/reflect on teachers and education related people/images/anything basically that […]