Hello everyone from Kaplan PLI,
Please find the slides to the workshop embedded below, which you can view online. I’ve left hyperlinks to the web tools we looked at below. Thanks for welcoming me to your school for tonight’s workshop. I hope to meet up with all of you at other professional development events. =)
The resourceful web – Kaplan PLI
View more presentations from Tyson Seburn.
Click on the links below to proceed to the web tools.
- Poll everywhere (www.polleverywhere.com)
- Lyreach (www.lyreach.com)
- Lyrics Training (www.lyricstraining.com)
- Shuttercal (www.shuttercal.com)
- Map Crunch (www.mapcrunch.com)
- Linoit (www.linoit.com)
- Soundcloud (www.soundcloud.com) – practical example Me Manifesto
- Lingro (www.lingro.com)