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The #EAPchat webspace

#EAPchat Year 2Have you heard of #EAPchat yet? It’s going into Year 2 on February 4th and I’ve made some changes.

Our chat began a year ago, and takes place the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month (mostly) from 1pm-2pm Eastern Standard Time. While we are still finding our online footing, I’m proud of the community we’ve begun to establish in Year 1.

Until now, all #EAPchat information has been housed here on 4C with announcements sent out through its Facebook page.

However, in response to discussion about Year 2, I have put together a new blog space specifically for the topics we discuss. The creation of the space is largely due to three purposes:

  1. to house all #EAPchat materials in one online space
    – All Year 1 topics, post links and transcripts have been moved into the Archive page. Once a chat passes, it will be moved here as well.
    – All future dates and topics will be posted on the Upcoming Dates & Topics page.
    – The link to the #EAPchat topic brainstorm Google doc is now available on the Suggest a Topic page.
  2. to facilitate a deeper discussion on the topics that is challenging to achieve using the Twitter platform and 1-hour time limit
  3. to encourage those unable to attend the live chats to participate asynchronously by commenting on the related blog post
    – On the front page, there will be a post that includes any topical pre-reading and post-chat transcripts to catch everyone up on that week’s discussion.
    – Anyone can link related blog posts in the comments section of the post and they will be added to the body of the post.
    – Anyone can further discussion in the comments section of the post at any time, unrestricted by time or character limits.

I’m excited by the evolution and anxiously await the direction this web space develops. I hope you and your colleagues, even those who haven’t been able to participate so far, are excited too. 🙂  If you have any suggestions for how #EAPchat can transform into something better, please feel free to tell me. #EAPchat Year 2 begins on February 4, 2013.

Click here to visit #EAPchat blog space now.


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